The Organization as Practitioners of Change

"None of us is as smart as all of us."

- Ken Blanchard

Collaborative Decision-Making in Uncertainty


Avancer's Collaborative Decision-Making in Uncertainty service is tailored to equip teams with the skills and processes necessary for effective collective decision-making under conditions where clear answers are scarce. This service offers facilitation and training designed to highlight the importance of bringing diverse perspectives to the table, engaging in constructive challenge of assumptions, and fostering alignment within the team, especially in situations characterized by ambiguity. Through role-playing exercises that mirror real-life scenarios relevant to the team's functions, members practice and refine these critical collaborative skills, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate uncertainty as a unified entity.


By emphasizing collaborative decision-making processes, this service taps into the collective wisdom of the team, substantially enhancing the quality of decision-making in uncertain situations. It fosters a sense of ownership and buy-in for decisions made, crucial for navigating complex challenges. Moreover, leveraging diverse viewpoints not only enriches the decision-making process but also acts as a bulwark against groupthink, thereby paving the way for innovative solutions and a more nuanced understanding of complex issues.


The need for enhanced collaborative decision-making practices often becomes apparent through several organizational indicators:

  • Execution Hindered by Conflict: Observable instances where internal conflicts or team misalignment obstruct effective execution, signaling a need for improved collaborative processes.

  • Suboptimal Siloed Decisions: A history of decisions being made in isolation, resulting in less-than-ideal outcomes, underscores the importance of a more integrated decision-making approach.

  • Innovation Stifled by Groupthink: The recognition of a need to invigorate innovation efforts by incorporating a broader range of perspectives and actively preventing conformity in thought.


The Collaborative Decision-Making in Uncertainty service culminates in several strategic deliverables aimed at enhancing team decision-making capabilities:

  • Facilitated Decision Framework: A custom-developed framework designed to guide teams through the collaborative decision-making process. This framework outlines steps for effectively surfacing diverse perspectives, engaging in respectful challenge of assumptions, and achieving alignment, tailored to the team's specific context and needs.

  • Collaborative Decision-Making Session Templates: Practical templates for structuring collaborative decision-making sessions, ensuring that discussions are productive, inclusive, and focused on reaching optimal outcomes. These templates serve as a guide for organizing and facilitating sessions that harness the collective insights and wisdom of the team.

  • Role-Playing Scenarios: A set of carefully crafted role-playing exercises that simulate real-life decision-making challenges relevant to the team's function. These scenarios provide hands-on practice in applying the facilitated decision framework and session templates, reinforcing collaborative skills and alignment in the face of uncertainty.

  • Team Alignment Workshops: Interactive workshops aimed at building team cohesion and alignment, particularly in the context of making decisions under uncertainty. These workshops focus on communication skills, empathy building, and strategies for consensus-building, enhancing the team's collective ability to navigate ambiguous situations effectively.

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